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Do I really need a dental check up every 6 months?!

…perhaps not!

On average we all need to see a dentist every 6 or 12 months. For patients who have stable and healthy mouths we aim to complete a routine check up every 12 months.

Key benefits of your routine dental check up:

Preventive Care: Early detection means preventing issues developing into more serious problems. For instance, early detection of cavities can prevent the need for extensive dental work later on. For you this means less time at the dentist and less cost!

Oral Cancer Screening: We are trained to detect signs of oral cancer during routine check-ups. Early detection of oral cancer significantly increases the chances of successful treatment.

Gum Disease Prevention: Regular dental check-ups can help prevent gum disease. We can detect early signs of gum disease and provide appropriate treatment to prevent it from progressing and avoid the serious consequences such as loose teeth and bad breath.

General Health: Your mouth is the gateway to your body. Early signs of general health issues often present first in the mouth. Diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease are just a few of the now proven conditions linked with poor oral health.

Airway & Breathing: Teeth and jaw position is directly linked to how efficient we breathe. Straightening your smile is not just about cosmetics - improvements in confidence, well-being and general health are the key benefits.

Education and Advice: The more educated and informed our patients are, the better choices are made to maintain health. Our team is passionate about educating our patients so that we can jointly make decisions and offer you the best level of care possible.

Your check up with us at Lady Bay Dental Care is comfortable and pain-free. There is no judgement and we spend time listening to you. We aim to give clear advice and pride ourselves in communicating in a way that is easily understood without any use of jargon terms.

We make use of newer technology and the use of digital x-rays and digital photo’s allow us to accurately assess and easily demonstrate why you may require treatment.

Are you due your routine dental check-up?

If you are an existing patient or new patient looking to register, get in touch and our friendly team will help to arrange one for you straight away.

We look forward to welcoming you!

0115 982 1000

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